Too Good To Be True

English Devotional

Thursday, June 18

Everyone who emails me today will receive one-hundred dollars. I can get you a brand new smart phone for five dollars. Elect me and everyone will have a high paying job, health care, free education and Social Security. If it sounds too good to be true more than likely it’s exactly that, too good to be true.

Let me share with you, a claim that may sound too good to be true:

God listens to and answers all of our prayers. This is one claim you can rest assured is true.

1 John 5:14-15 NIV

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him.

For most of us this would seem like a “too good to be true” claim just because we have prayed and asked God for things which we never received. The reason why we didn’t receive what we asked for is because the promise is not that He will give us anything that we want; the promise is that He will hear us and will give us anything and everything we want if it lines up with His will. See, when it comes to Gods will, He only wants what is good for us.

In the Old Testament a prophet names Habakkuk asked the question: “How long, O LORD, will I call for help, and you will not hear?” Habakkuk struggled with the same issue many of us struggle with today and that is unanswered prayers. Been there? I have good news for you, God always hears and answers our prayers and He usually answers us in one of the following ways:

Yes! Sometimes the answer to our prayer is yes. Sometimes God grants us what we ask of Him, especially when our petition lines up with His will. There’s one prayer in particular which our Heavenly Father always listens to and answer with a resounding yes and that’s when we pray and ask for forgiveness.

No. There are times when the answer to our prayer request is no. The answer is no because it doesn’t line up with our Heavenly Fathers will and if it doesn’t line up with His will it’s not good for us. You can ask anything from God but there will be times when His answer will be, no.

Wait. Sometimes God says wait. God not only wants to give us what is best for us, He wants to give it to us at the right time. When God says wait, just remember His timing is perfect. God never arrives too early or too late. So, when we pray we need to learn to sometimes wait.

What exiting news! Our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the universe, hears us and answers all of our prayers. Never grow tired of praying because God indeed hears us and answers us every time.

It’s simple, even though it may sound too good to be true God listens to and answers all our prayers.


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