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English / Devotional  
Imagine wanting to talk to God, and having to wait for someone else to take your prayers and petition before Him. Imagine not being able to call Him, Heavenly Father. This was the way it was before Jesus came and revolutionized the world, before Christ prayer for the most part was nothing more then the rituals of hypocritical, religious men. The prayed and spoke fine words in public forums to be heard by others but not by God.
Before Jesus came to earth only the high priest could go before God on behalf of the people and he dared not mention God by name. But the arrival of Jesus brought an end to that way of relating to God and marked the beginning of a new way to pray and relate to God.
The way in which Jesus prayed and related to God was so different from any thing they had seen that it caught their attention to his disciples, all of the good Jewish men and even do they were knowledgeable of the laws of God they asked Him to teach them how it was that He prayed. They notice that Jesus prayed continuously not just in the temple but wherever He was, and that He dared to call God Father.
Matthew 6: 5-6 NLT
“When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get. But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.
Now thanks’ to Jesus we have direct access to Gods throne, we can go right into His presence and present ourselves before Him as His children. It’s as though you were the son of the president of the United States and you walked directly into the oval office without having to go through all the layers of security and going up to the president and calling him dad.
We have as our Father Almighty God, creator of the heavens and earth, the one who sustains the universe and our lives!
What do you have to do to take advantage of this unimaginable privilege? Simple, Choose the best time for you, with the least amount of distractions and then find a private place where you can spend time alone with your Heavenly Father
It is simple, the arrival of Jesus marked a new era, where we can go into the presence of God in intimate and even personal way. Something that hundreds and hundreds of generations longed for but it was not possible for them! So take advantage of this great privilege.
Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me to go before you as your son, and for loving me, taking care of me and protecting me as your child.  Lord my I not allow the distractions of life to take away from me spend every possible moment in the presence of all mighty God, my Heavenly Father.