



Thursday January 21, 2016

Everything that grows changes; our lives never remain the same, we are constantly changing. Some changes are positive while others are negative and some changes we embrace and others we resist. We live our lives in a constant pursuit (or at least hope) of positive growth. Before we can grow into change however, we must first go through a transition period.


A transition period is that space that lies between where you are presently and where you will eventually end up. Some transitions are the result of the natural flow of life and others are unexpected and at times forced upon us. Transition phases pose a problem in that they cause us a lot of stress. However, it is in the transition period where God does His greatest work in our lives.


Consider the transition period Joseph had to endure before seeing God’s promises fulfilled in his life. God spoke to Joseph one day in a dream and revealed to him that he would become king. Immediately following this, his brothers sold him into slavery. Joseph entered a stress-filled and difficult transition period that lasted thirteen years before he would become king. Nonetheless, it was during those thirteen years of transitioning that God did His greatest work in Joseph; he became one of the wisest kings of all times. Joseph could have chosen to boycott his transition period. Instead, as you read the story of Joseph, you will see that through it all he was determined to embrace God’s will.


Isaiah 50: 7 NLT

Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will.


You cannot grow without changing, and you cannot change without going through transitions. Remember, it is in the transition period when God will be doing His greatest work in your life.


Heavenly Father, I want to grow, I want to see changes in my life. Help me to accept and go through the transitions knowing that it is an important part of your growth plan for my life.