Trust and Do!

The most important question you have to ask yourself every day and in every area of life is: Can God be trusted? Yet even though the answer is obvious, it’s easier said than done. We can all look back to times when the decisions we made demonstrated a lack of trust in God. Maybe for you it was a financial decision where it was clear what God wanted you to do, but as you envisioned the results that you desired, what God wanted did not make sense. Maybe it was a relationship decision and again you envisioned the desired results but when you compared it to what God wanted you to do it did not make sense. In those times when you chose to do things your way in effect what you were saying was God you cannot be trusted.

Trusting God is not an easy thing to do. What makes trusting God so difficult is our tendencies to be results-driven. Where we tend to focus on outcomes God’s focus is on the process. Where we tend to focus on achieving, God’s focus is on our obedience. Where we tend to focus on the end results, God is looking to see if we’re doing what’s right. Another reason why trusting God can be difficult is because we are not very good at interpreting results. Some things that we thought were good ended up being bad and some things we thought were bad ended up being good.

Trusting God goes beyond believing that God will grant us what we want. Trusting God is believing that God will grant us what is best for us in spite of what we want.
Trusting God means that we are placing our lives in His hands because He’s more reliable, trustworthy and effective than we are.

The Bible says that faith with out deeds is dead. Trusting God is demonstrated through actively doing what is right even if it seems like you’re falling behind. When you ask the question: Can God be trusted? If you answer yes, it has to be demonstrated through your actions. And the action that shows God that we trust him is when we are committed to do what is right. We should never sacrifice what is right for the sake of results. We show that we trust God when we commit ourselves to do what is right and we place the end results, whatever they might be in his hands.

Psalms 37:3 NIV
Trust in the LORD and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.

It’s Simple, when it comes to trusting God our responsibility is not to produce results, our responsibility is to do what is right in spite of the results.

Heavenly Father, I admit, there are areas in my life where trusting you is difficult for me. But I don’t want to end up with regrets. Please help me to do what I know you are telling me to do. I know that when I obey, it all turns out OK.