Understanding the Times

Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis, epidemiologist, and co-director of Stanford’s Meta-Research Innovation Center warns, “We are making decisions without reliable data.” What we know today is that at best testing for the Coronavirus is poor. What we don’t know is how many people are infected and how many are being misdiagnosed. Now, I’m not complaining or blaming, I believe that our medical professionals and the government are working to do their best. But the truth is that as of today there are more questions than answers. 

And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. – Romans 13:11 NIV 

In spite of the lack of concrete information concerning the Coronavirus, as citizens, we’re called to be socially responsible. But as followers of Jesus we are commanded to understand the times we are presently living. When we open our Bibles, we discover where the world will eventually end and if we know the outcome it will help us to understand the journey. Now, I’m not an eschatologist but I do know a few things about the end of times. One is that we’ll eventually end up with a one-world government. Two, we will eventually end up with a cashless society in which financial transactions will be made through a microchip implanted in the human body. And, finally, that Jesus will come back to pick up his church. 

A one-world government: 

The Coronavirus is a worldwide pandemic and there are already articles and world leaders talking about the need to create a one-world government to combat these sorts of issues. Recently Pope Francis speaking to Ecuador’s El Universo newspaper argued that the world needed a “one-world government” and “political authority” to combat issues such as “climate change.” 

A cashless society in which financial transactions will be made through a chip: 

Tedros Adhanom Director-General of the World Health Organization warned the general public against using cash because it could carry the Coronavirus. And in Wisconsin since 2017 a technology company has been implanting a microchip in their employees’ hands through which by waving they can open doors, access their computers, and even buy a bag of chips or a soda from a vending machine. 

The return of Jesus for his church: 

Well, that’s what should be coming next. It’s time to wake up. Salvation is near.