

No One Like You

We begin or lives created by God with our own distinctiveness. Did you know that there is no one else like you in the world? There has never been anyone created like you, there’s presently no one like you and there will never be anyone like you. You are unique. You have your own thumbprint, footprint, eye print, with your unique combination of facial features and with your own DNA. That’s the way God created you and that’s the way He wants you to be. Did you know that God did not only create you physically unique He also created you with a unique plan and purpose for your life? But as we grow older something happens to us, the world starts molding us into the same patterns, into the same social, political and religious patterns. Just look around. Most people pretty much look and act the same way. I’m not trying to say that all the patterns of this world are bad; there are actually some good ones out there. The problem is that God did not create you to look and to act like everyone else. God created you to look and act like His son Jesus.

Truly Unique

If we’re talking about uniqueness there’s no one like Jesus; he loved and prayed for his enemies. We hardly pray for our loved ones much less our enemies. He was God yet he came to this world as a servant. He blessed those who cursed Him. He never tried to save His life; on the contrary He voluntarily gave it up. While everyone was rushing to be the greatest he became the lowest. Jesus never allowed himself to be molded by the patterns of this world, even though he became a human like us, he surely did not act like us. People worry about here and now, Jesus worried about the eternal. While people want to be comfortable, Jesus moved completely out of His comfort zone to save us. The way he looked and acted was truly unique, molded by His Heavenly Father. His purpose and plans came from above not from this world. Jesus is truly unique. As we grow older in life we’re supposed to be molded but not by the patterns of this world. We’re supposed to be molded from above. In the same way that God had a unique plan and purpose for His Son Jesus, He also has a unique plan and purpose for you and me, but you will never find them in the patterns of this world because it was God who designed us and it’s God who wants to mold us.

Romans 12:2 NIV

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Love, Obey and Serve.

Do the people who know us see Jesus in our lives? Do they hear Him in our conversations? Do they see us as uniquely different when compared to the rest of the people in the world? When you read the story of Jesus you discover that He was like no one else in the word yet people loved being around Him, especially non-religious people. He did no look or act like them but they loved being with Him. I think the reason that people loved spending so much time with Him was precisely the fact that he wasn’t like them. Jesus gave them hope for a better life, Jesus gave them the hope that there was more than just the here and now and Jesus gave them the hope that their lives were not meaningless, that they were created with a plan and purpose from God above.

There were three things that distinguished Jesus from the rest of the people in the world. First, the way He loved God and others. Second, his commitment to obey God. And third, the way he served God by serving others. Everyone gets molded into something or someone; no one comes to this earth molded. You can either by molded by the patterns of this world or you can choose to be molded by the plans and purposes of your Heavenly Father. And Your Heavenly Father wants to mold you in to the character of His son Jesus. It’s when we choose to love God and others, obey and serve God the way Jesus did that we begin to break away from the patterns of this world right into the unique plans and purposes of our Heavenly Father up above.

It’s simple, you were not created to be and to look like everyone else. You were created to be unique, molded by the plans and purposes of your Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father, thank You for making me unique, I ask you to continue to fulfill your plan created exclusively for my life; that every day I would allow myself to be molded by the character of Jesus through my unconditional love towards you and towards others and through my obedience and willingness to serve you always.