



Monday May 15, 2017


Life is great. I just got accepted to college. I got the new job. I got the promotion. I just got engaged. We got married and we had children. We were in love, healthy, financially stable and suddenly and apparently out of nowhere life came crashing down.


Evangelist Nicky Cruz, in his book titled “The Corruptors”, tells the story of The Broadway Central Hotel which stood as one of New York’s finest buildings for over a hundred years. That was until the summer of 1973 when the building collapsed. According to Fire Chief John O’Hagan, vibrations brought the building down. Like many of the buildings in New York, the subway trains pass directly below them. Each time the train passed below the hotel it would vibrate. Many first-time guests now knowing why their room vibrated, would call the front desk concerned asking the clerk, what just happened? The hotel clerk would always reply, “Don’t worry, it is just the train passing by”.


We are constantly exposed to the vibrations of this world. Like the legalization of drugs; someone tells you, “I don’t think you should be smoking that and you answer, “don’t worry it’s just the train passing by”. It’s like selectively breaking some of society’s laws, it’s the lying politicians…When you question what is happening, the world responds, “don’t worry its just the train passing by”. It’s the vibrations in your marriage, your finances, your health yet everyone around you says, “don’t worry it’s just the train passing by”. For others it is the occasional social drink or recreational drugs, improper relationships, spending beyond their means just because they have a credit card, or neglecting their relationships. More importantly, it is not paying attention to the vibrations when you neglect your relationship with God and the directions He is giving you; but you say to yourself, “its no big deal, its just the train passing by”.


When the Broadway Hotel collapsed, it appeared to have been a sudden and tragic event that came without warning. However, it was not sudden, there were many warnings. Every time the train went by, the vibrations were an audible, palpable, and even visible signal of danger. Yet, no one saw the cracks, no one inspected the structure, most guests assumed there was no real danger, after all, it was just the train passing by.


We need to pay close attention to the cracks and warnings that appear in our lives. Some have already experienced the devastating effects of the vibrations in their lives, while others are presently standing tall. However, every once in a while you feel those vibrations and perhaps you think to yourself, its nothing to worry about, it’s just the train passing by.


A word of advise from the Apostle Paul for everyone no matter where we are in life:


Do not conform to the pattern of this world…

– Romans 12:2 NIV



If you reside in the Miami area, or if you plan on visiting, I would like to invite you to come and hear Nicky speak live on Sunday May 21 at 9am or at 11:30am. This is a ticketed event but tickets are FREE of charge so bring a friend. To download your free ticket please visit: