VISION – new Community Group series

Vision series
Put passion into your life!
Through a vision from God for you

We have excellent news for you, starting the first week of September and for 10 consecutive weeks, all community groups across the city will be presenting an excellent study called “Vision” which will train you on how to live your life with a vision from God.

Vision gives your life passion and drive, we do not have to settle for a mediocre life without meaning, living in the moment, and focusing only on achievements. Quite the contrary! Vision gives your life direction and through this study we will see the example of a young man to whom God gave a vision and how carrying it out impacted his life and even today is also impacting our lives.

Who is this study for? It’s for anyone who participates in a community group and ALSO anyone who doesn’t. This means it’s for ALL!

Don’t miss it, jot it down on your calendar as soon as you can, and mostly invite others so that they could also have the opportunity to learn from this excellent study.

Beginning Sunday, August 18 we will take registrations at our church. Register as soon as possible if you do not belong to a community group.  Surely there is one near your home. We are waiting for you. Don’t miss the opportunity to live an exciting life with God’s Vision.

To register online click here.