Walking in the Light

There are many obstacles and difficulties on the road of life. There are financial, relational, physical, moral, emotional, spiritual difficulties and all sorts of obstacles. The question is, how do you avoid them?  Especially those that catch us by surprise; the ones that hide in the dark. The tendency is to seek advice from people who have been through the difficulties or potential difficulties we’re going through, hoping that they can shed light on the situation.

In our society many believe that the best way to understand something is by exposing yourself to that something. That by subjecting yourself to it, you’ll better understand it, and therefore you’ll be able to make better decisions. But Jesus had a completely opposite view. Jesus believed that the best way to understand the darkness was to walk in the light.

“Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.”  – Luke 11:36 NIV

When a lamp shines its light on you, everything that is out of place is easily detectable; you don’t have to feel through the dark and guess. If you want to know what’s in a dark room the best way to find out is not to feel your way through the room. It’s only a matter of time before you trip or fall. The best way to see what’s hiding in the dark is to turn on the light.

You don’t avoid the obstacles and difficulties of life by feeling your way through the dark. And, you don’t find your way around the obstacles and difficulties by seeking advice from those who are walking in the dark. No, you turn on the light and you seek advice from those who walk in the light. Those who walk in the light understand darkness not because they’ve stumbled in the dark, but rather because they can see what’s in the dark. That’s why Jesus, even though he never sinned knew so much about sin, because he walked in the light.

Because of this we should always fix our eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished the race we’re in yet He never stumbled or fell, because He always walked in the light.