What’s in your hands?

In the Bible the hands represented a person’s power, resources, abilities, authority, and commitment to mention a few. God placed authority over all of the animals in Adam’s hands. Moses rescued Egypt from the hands of the Pharaoh. The pharaoh of Egypt gave an order that no one was to lift a hand in work without Joseph’s direction. God redeemed his people with a mighty hand. The hand of God was against the Philistines. David said to Goliath, “On this day the Lord will deliver you into my hands”. David said of God: “The heavens are the work of your hands”. Jesus predicted that he would suffer at hands of the Pharisees. Pilate washed his hands.

Throughout history when people asked themselves the following questions: What do I have in my hands? And how can use it? Great things happened. Some of the greatest organizations and institutions were the direct result of people using what God had placed in their hands? My hope is that you could see your hands and what God has placed in them as a tool to achieve great things for the kingdom of God.

Everything that is in our hands: talents, abilities, strength, education, wealth, family, even our personalities are gifts from God. The Bible says, “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him”. (Colossians 1:16 NIV).

When we look at all the different things that God has placed in our hands our tendency is to say, “Thank you Lord, you’re so good to me!” and then move on. To which God would probably say, “I did not give you all of those things for yourself, I gave them to you so that you could honor me, by using them to serve others.”

If there ever was a person who honored God with his hands it was Jesus. Everything was placed in his hands, all power, authority, kingdoms… God placed everything in his hands. And with those hands Jesus touched people that no one else would touch; he touched the sick, the dead, he even washed the disciples’ dirty feet with his hands. Then as if that weren’t enough he surrendered them to be nailed onto a cross and three days later resurrected exhibiting scarred hands.

Matthew 20:27-28 NIV

“Whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

What a tragedy it would be to one day stand before our Lord Jesus, look at his scarred hands and tell him that I was too busy at my job, in my house, vacationing or whatever it is that I was doing to use my hands to bring him glory through serving others.

What has God placed in your hands?
What are you using it for?

It’s simple, whatever God has placed in your hands big or small is for the purpose of bringing him glory as you use it to serve others.

Lord Jesus, if you being God were able to serve, I know I must do the same. I surrender all my resources, my talents and abilities to be used for your glory. Let me be a wise steward of the things you have placed in my hands.