When Criticism Turns to Threats – Bobby Cruz Jr




Wednesday March 23, 2016


Few things have the potential to distract us, as people mocking or criticizing what we are doing. The reason being, when we are mocked or criticized, our tendency is to shift our focus away from what we are doing and on to the person or persons criticizing us. What happens then, when criticism goes to the next level? What happens when the mocking and the criticism turns into threats?


As soon as Nehemiah began to reconstruct the walls in Jerusalem, there were people who immediately felt threatened by the work. After all, they attained power and money by taking advantage of the deplorable conditions in Jerusalem. Furthermore, in an effort to stop the work they publicly mocked and humiliated Nehemiah and the workers. However, Nehemiah ignored them, he prayed to God and continued moving forward with the work. When those who mocked the people in Jerusalem, saw Nehemiah’s resolve, when they saw how he ignored them and continued working, they became very angry. This is when they decided to escalate matters taking their mocking and criticism to whole other level.


Nehemiah 4:7-8 NIV

But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the people of Ashdod heard that the repairs to Jerusalem’s walls had gone ahead and that the gaps were being closed, they were very angry. They all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it.


As you continue reading the story in your Bible, you will see that the people became discouraged and distracted. They were both tired and scared, so they decided to return to their respective homes. Once again, Nehemiah’s response was to pray, however, on this occasion he added two new steps. He reminded the people of God’s faithfulness and he created a new plan for the rebuilding of the walls.


He reminded the people of God’s faithfulness:

 Nehemiah 4:14 NIV

“Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.”


When the people became tired and discouraged and decided to return to their homes, Nehemiah prayed first, then he spoke directly to the people: wait a minute, before you leave let me remind you of God’s faithfulness. Guys, do not lose your perspective, God did not begin the work to then leave us in shame or to die at the hands of our enemies. Do not give up! God always finishes what He starts.


At some point in time, everyone who chooses to do the will of God will face mockery and threats. It may not be a death threat as was the case with Nehemiah and the people in Jerusalem. It might be the threat of loosing a deal, a position, or a relationship. When this happens you need to ask yourself whether God can be trusted. Understand this is not an issue concerning your ability to see the vision through; this is an issue about trust in God. Can you trust God to see the vision through to completion? Trusting is difficult but it is not complicated. By remembering God’s faithfulness in the past, you will help build your faith to move forward when adverse circumstances arise. All it takes is for you to do what you can then trust Him to do what only God can do. Trusting God meant getting back to work for Nehemiah and the people despite the threats. Once reminded of God’s faithfulness, this is precisely what the people did.