When God Appears – Bobby Cruz Jr



Monday, April 25, 2016


When God appeared in the burning bush, Moses hid his face. When God appeared to Abraham, he fell face down on the ground. The Book of Revelation tells us that when Jesus appeared to John, he fell prostrate at Jesus’ feet as though he were dead. The Bible tells us that a day is coming when everyone will come before Jesus and at the sight of Him, and without any prompting, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.


As you are pursuing God’s divine purpose for your life, a time will come when you will stand in amazement that God not only showed up in your world, but that He acted on your behalf. When this happens, you will be drawn away from the work you are performing, and instead you will be drawn towards the fidelity of your Heavenly Father. In that precise moment, you will discover that His divine purpose for your life was merely a vehicle to do something in you and through you. As a result, your natural response will be unsolicited worship, surrender, and obedience.


When Nehemiah and the workers finished rebuilding the walls in Jerusalem, the people of Israel and even their enemies recognized that God had intervened on their behalf. As the people prepared to return to their daily chores and responsibilities, it suddenly dawned on them that over those fifty-two days of labor that it took to rebuild the walls, God was working on their behalf. Without any announcement, the people began to pour into the town square and bowing down in one accord, they worshipped God with their faces to the ground.


Nehemiah 8:1,6 NIV

 All the people came together as one in the square before the Water Gate. They told Ezra the teacher of the Law to bring out the Book of the Law of Moses, which the Lord had commanded for Israel.

Ezra praised the Lord, the great God; and all the people lifted their hands and responded, “Amen! Amen!” Then they bowed down and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground.


From time to time, God will appear in our lives in a tangible way to show us a little bit of His glory. It might come in the form of an answered prayer, a healing to your body, the restoration of your marriage, or perhaps saving you from an accident or incident. As a result and without any prompting or planning, you will spontaneously fall to your knees and begin to worship Him. This is cause and effect; whenever God shows up in a tangible way, the natural response is unsolicited worship and unconditional obedience. When God appears, a hunger for being in His presence is birthed in us, we become different people, and we feel a revival and nobody needs to admonish us to worship God, read our Bible, or obey Him.


What is the power that divine purpose has? Divine purpose is powerful because it is the vehicle that God will use to do something through you, but more importantly in you. Divine purpose is the channel that God uses to show up in a tangible way in our lives. When this happens, the response is unsolicited worship, surrender, and obedience.