


Tuesday, August 18

The example I am about to share involves someone who is very dear to me and for this reason I will not disclose their identity. This friend would always complain that they could not lose weight. On one occasion, as they were complaining, I looked at them and said:” the reason you cannot lose weight is because everything you hide on the inside shows itself on the outside.” I said this because I noticed that they would hide all kinds of candies and high calorie foods to eat them later when nobody was watching. As far as eating goes, everything we put inside our bodies will eventually show itself on the outside of our bodies.

In the same manner, whatever things we deposit into our lives will be visible and become tangible in our daily lives. Moreover, whatever we expose ourselves to will also manifest itself in our lives. The reason for this is that we are like sponges soaking up everything around us and when hard times come and life starts squeezing us the only thing that can come out of us are those things we ingested and exposed ourselves to. This is true for every stage and area in our lives, whether as child, a spouse, a parent, or concerning morals, ethics and even spiritual matters, whatever you deposit on the inside, whatever you expose yourself to, will eventually show up on the outside especially when life squeezes us.

Ephesians 5:15-20 NIV

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Be Very Careful

Paul wrote to the Ephesians reminding them that they were living during evil days. I think you would agree that we too are living during evil days. We don’t realize often enough that our lives are continuously being impacted by our surroundings. Therefore, Paul is admonishing that we should be very careful; we need to make sure that what we are ingesting and soaking in are not the falsehood and fraud that is rampant during these evil times. Instead, we should be ingesting and exposing ourselves to the filling of the Holy Spirit.


Paul says to the Ephesians that he wants them to act wisely, to be filled with the Spirit. He wants them to intentionally ingest and expose themselves to the Holy Spirit. He wants them to change their conversations; to not focus them on the latest topic. Instead they are encouraged to speak to one another with Psalms, hymns and songs that have to do with the works and activity of Holy Spirit. Pauls wants that when they speak, they should speak words of praise and thanks giving to God. Paul is telling them and us that what comes out from the inside, what dwells there, should be the Spirit of God.

Our lives are like sponges whatever goes in will eventually come out. If you are exposed to evil then evil will come out, if you are exposed to the Holy Spirit then the fruits of the Sprit will come out.

