When Self Is Forgotten – Bobby Cruz Jr



Friday, February 05

When Jesus boat docks at Bethsaida he’s was grieving, tired and anxious to spend some time alone with his disciples. But at least for the time being it would not be so as a multitude of people anxiously awaited his arrival to be touched by his teachings and healing power. No one would have blamed him for being dismissive. No one would have blamed him had he chosen to ignore the crowds after all Jesus was having one of the worst days of his life. His cousin John had been put to death and the same man threatened to do the same to Him. But instead of being dismissive Jesus had compassion, self would be forgotten for the time being.

Matthew 14:14 NIV

 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

Lets suppose this had happen to you or me, how do you think we would have responded? I would have done many things but being compassionate would have not been one of them. When Matthew says that Jesus had compassion on them, he was not saying that Jesus felt sorry for them. The term Jesus used “compassion” is much deeper then that it means that Jesus literally felt their pain. He felt the pain of their diseases, he felt the darkness of the blind, he felt the limitations of the cripple, the solitude of the leper and the shame of the sinners. He was so impacted by their pain that for a moment he put aside his own hurts and could not help but to heal them.

Remember when you find yourself navigating thru the hardships of life that Jesus actually feels your pain and will have compassion for you. But probably as important remember that in one of the most difficult days of Jesus life self was forgotten, others were cared for and the weight of life’s sorrows relieved.


