With All Your Heart

Trust is a mayor pillar of any vibrant society. Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, truthfulness, strength and abilities of something or someone. Trust is a fundamental part of any relationship, of any institution and it’s the foundation for any healthy community. When we lose trust in our relationships and our institutions every part of our society begins to break down.

Most people to varying degrees and for different reasons suffer from trust issues. The problem is that distrust is the path that leads to the collapse of healthy relationships, institutions or communities but trust is the path to healthy relationships, institutions and communities. So, who can we trust? The awful truth is that we cannot fully trust anyone and since we cannot trust anyone the choice then is to trust ourselves. Sounds good, the only problem is that just about all of your problems are a result of having trusted your heart. Think about it, had you not trusted your heart, how many regrets would you have avoided? So again, who can we trust?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 4:5-6 NIV

The reason why we get ourselves into so many problems is because it is hard for us to trust God. Which on the surface is not very smart, because God knows the outcome of every, and any possible decision we can ever take and we do not. Instead of trusting our hearts we should learn to trust God with all of our heats and God promises that He will take all of our twisted relational, financial, moral and spiritual paths and straighten them out.