Be careful what you say.

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Words are far more powerful than we could ever imagine. Quantum physics reveals that matter doesn’t really exist, at least not the way we perceive it. Everything we touch, see or hear is simply energy in varying states of vibration. For example, the eyes don’t actually see, it’s simply the movement of energy in the form of light vibrating in different states that once it passes through the eye the brain converts and perceives the light as an image. The same with sound, the ears picks up a pattern of disturbance caused by the movement of energy, it sends the information to the brain and the brain converts the disturbance into a sound; and the same is true with all physical matter. This means that our words are not just elements of speech or writings, they’re actually energy vibrating in different forms.

Japanese scientist and author of the book, “The Hidden Messages in Water”, Masaru Emoto performed some of the most revealing experiments on the effect that words have on energy. In one experiment Emoto placed two cups of cooked white rice into two separate glass jars, he sealed the jars and then fixed a label on each one. One jar read, “Thank You” and the other, “You Fool.” The jars were then placed in an elementary school classroom, with the specific instructions that the students were to take each jar twice a day and speak out load the words on each of the corresponding labels. After 30 days, the rice that was thanked was as white and fluffy as the day it was placed into the jar. In contrast, the rice that was insulted shriveled into a black, gelatinous mass. If that’s what the power of positive and negative speech can do to rice imagine what it can do to and infant, child or an adult.

The tongue has the power of life and death … Proverbs 18:21 NIV

It’s so fascinating that thousands of years ago, Solomon had warned us about what science has recently discovered, that the words we speak will actually produce life or death. The Apostle Paul wrote, let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth but only words that will build up and benefit the listener. Instead of complaining about or bad mouthing those closest to us, what if for the next 30 days twice a day we found something to genuinely thank them for. It just might radically change their life and more importantly it might radically change your life.