
The year 2020 will more than likely end up being the most transformational year of our generation. The year began with the promise of economic prosperity and the hope of peace. But then the COVID virus hit and within a month the entire world was transformed into something we don’t recognize. In the name of health, we’ve lost our fundamental right and freedom to peruse life, liberty, and happiness. The results are that as of today more than 33 million people have filed for unemployment benefits and the number is expected to continue rising. For the vast majority of these people they just want to get back to work and to be able to provide for their families and for themselves. The good news is that it seems like the situation is starting to improve. This past weekend many businesses, communities, and churches began to reopen. But if we’re going to be completely honest things will never be the same. Just like after the attacks of 911 our fundamental rights eroded, the same will happen this year with the COVID virus. But no matter what the circumstances are or may become there is a way to secure God’s full blessings in our lives. 

“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:7 NIV

If there’s one thing we should have learned about God by now is that He always blesses obedience but refuses to bless disobedience. Throughout the Bible we find three areas in which this principle is clearly illustrated, when the people of Israel obeyed God in these areas they always ended up being blessed but when they disobeyed them they’d always lose out on God’s blessings and protection. 

Moving forward you can assure that no matter what happens you too can be blessed by God. All you have to do is obey God in the following three areas:

  • The People you choose to do life with – God does not want us to judge people but He does want us to use good judgment in choosing the people we walk through life with. 
  • The Lord’s Day – God wants us to love Him above all else and wants us to separate a day and time to spend it with Him
  • The Lord’s Temple – God wants us to take care of and be an integral part of his gathering. 

Any time we choose to obey God in these three areas we are securing His blessings in our lives, any time we disobey Him, we’re on our own.