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The human brain is the most complex and advanced computer system in the world. The brain contains over 85 billion nerve cells joined by 100 trillion connections that produce some 100, 000 chemical reactions per second. A single human brain generates more electrical impulses in a day than all of the telephones in the world combined. The brain sends through the body billions of bits of information that control every single action and reaction the body takes. Some say that the human brain is so complex that it has more wiring and electrical circuitry than all of the computer systems of the world combined. And get this, the human brain only weighs 3 pounds and is made up of 75% water.

By the end of our lives, our brains will have accumulated 150 trillion bits of information, information that we will use to determine our belief system. And this is so important because what we believe will determine the decisions we make. And, the decisions we make will determine the outcomes in our lives. Every good and bad result is preceded by decisions and those decisions are driven by our beliefs. This means that if you have a faulty belief system, you’ll end up with faulty results. But if you have a truthful and correct belief system you will end up with good results.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. – Romans 12:2 NIV

All studies show that we are more inclined to follow the crowd than we are to forge our own way. The problem is that culture gets it wrong more often than not. Just look at the divorce rate, out of wedlock pregnancies, immoralities, financial difficulties, crimes… and I could go on forever. The apostle Paul admonishes us not to be conformed to the patterns of this world. But rather to live transformed lives, by renewing our minds. We need to challenge our belief system. Because what you believe, will determine your actions and your actions will determine the outcome of your life. So, what’s on your mind?