Where are you going?

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The average person will have walked approximately 100,000 miles in their lifetime. The question is, how many miles have you walked? And, more importantly, where are you going?  Are you just walking aimlessly? Or are you going somewhere? The truth is that direction determines destination; where you end up in life will depend on the road you choose to travel.

I live in South Florida; if I want to visit Disney World I must take the Turnpike northbound because if I take it southbound I will end up in Key West. In geography, it’s obvious that each road has a beginning and an end but when it comes to our daily lives, many times it’s not so obvious. When we talk about our moral, financial, family and spiritual roads the problem is that oftentimes we haven’t really examined the road we’re traveling on. We know what we want, but it’s possible that some of us are going in the wrong direction and others are simply traveling on the wrong road.

The issue is that in many areas of our daily lives we think that we’re so slick, smart and talented that we can choose to walk in the wrong direction or on the wrong road and still determine our destination. But that’s not possible, because direction determines the destination. You may have the right intentions or excellent education, you may have big dreams and lots of motivation but if you’re traveling on the wrong road or in the wrong direction you’re never going to reach your desired destination.

So, STOP and ask yourself, where am I going? Where am I going, educationally, careerwise, healthwise, relationally, financially, spiritually and morally? Is the path that I’m traveling going to lead me to my desired outcome? Remember that the direction you’re walking will determine your destination, not your dreams, desires or intentions. So, stop and if you’re not sure to ask for directions, or consult the google map for your soul, the Bible.

Let wise people listen and add to what they have learned. Let those who understand what is right get guidance. – Proverbs 1:5 NIRV