Grow: Social Skills

Hatred, racism, homophobia, and misogyny are just some of the social dysfunctionalities that are talked about daily. We hear about it on television, it’s preached from pulpits, it appears daily on print media and social media. The pope preaches about it, celebrities fight against it, our politicians legislate laws to punish it and everyone opines about it. The irony is that the fight against hatred has become so heated that it’s causing new divisions. It’s some of the same groups taking up the cause against the hatred that are leading people to hate. Notice that in today’s society it’s never ok to disparage anyone based on their skin color, that’s unless you happen to be white. Notice that it’s not ok to disparage anyone based on gender, that’s unless you’re a white male. There has to be a better way to deal with hatred!

Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. – Luke 2:52 NKJ

Luke tells us that as Jesus grew he developed intellectually, physically and also socially. We can learn a lot from Jesus’ social skills. Even though he was the holiest man to ever walk the earth people who had nothing in common with him loved spending time with him. Even though Jesus didn’t sin or accept sin, he loved sinners and sinners loved him.

Three Characteristics of Jesus’ Social Skills

  1. Jesus had no favoritism.

Jesus accepted people as they came. He didn’t agree with them and did not condone their sins but loved them equally. For Jesus accepting a person did not equate to accepting their sins. But he knew that acceptance of a person is the first step in moving them towards repentance.

  1. Jesus was a relationship builder.

Jesus understood that acceptance paved the way to a relationship and that relationship paved the way to influence. He understood that the stronger the relationship the greater the influence.


  1. Jesus spoke the truth with grace.

 Acceptance leads to relationship and relationship leads to influence. And Jesus used his influence to speak the truth with grace. On one occasion he was brought a woman caught in the act of adultery, a stable offense at the time. The men who brought her to Jesus wanted to see what he would do. While the woman was standing before him, Jesus stooped to the ground and said anyone who has not sinned cast the first stone. By the time Jesus stood up everyone was gone except the woman. And Jesus asked, “where are those who condemn you?” “They’re gone, she answered.” And Jesus said, “Well I don’t condemn you, go and sin no more”.