Transitions: Something Good

Anything that grows changes. And anything that changes goes through transitions. In life, there will always be a before and after. The space between the before and the after is the transition period. It’s the period between being a baby and going to school, or between high school and college, or between college and marriage … and on and on our lives are continuously going through transitions.

Transitions are usually stressful because they come with growing pains and uncertainties. Some transitions are of our own choosing, like going to school, getting married or having children. But others are forced upon us, maybe an unexpected death, a health issue or maybe you were laid off from work. The truth is that transitions are challenging because often times while in the transition we have more questions than answers.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28 NIV

The Apostle Paul in this well-known Scripture explains in a simple but powerful way that we can trust that God is with us in the middle of our transitions. As Paul wrote these words he himself was in the middle of a difficult transition. He was unjustly sitting in jail not knowing what awaited him. But he was confident that in everything that was happening to him, good or bad, God was with him using the transition to produce something good in his life.

The truth is that we cannot predict the future. But for those who choose to place their faith in God, we can live with the confidence that he’s not only with us, but that he will also use the transition to do something good in our lives.