You Owe Me

Every day there will be something or someone that will cause us to be angry. When we allow the negative emotions of anger to settle in our heart, even if it’s for a brief moment, we are giving that something or someone outside of us, power over us. Now the anger within us will manipulate our thoughts, words, and actions.

Anger says, “you owe me.”

Anger says, you ruined my reputation, you ruined my family, you stole my money, you hurt me… so now you owe me. You owe me money, time, you owe me my family, my reputation, you owe me an apology.

As long as the debt goes unpaid that anger will remain in the heart and it will manipulate our thoughts, words, and actions. As time passes we tend to forget the cause of our anger but when the pressures of life rise, the ugly thoughts, words, and actions resurface. The problem is that people who have nothing to do with the issue become the recipients of our anger inspired words and actions.

How do we manage anger? The only way to fully deal with the situation is to dislodge the anger that has settled in our heart. The only way to remove anger is to cancel the debt, the only way to cancel the debt is to forgive. Forgiveness is not extended for the benefit of the recipient, forgiveness is extended for the benefit of the giver. Because forgiveness removes the power of the negative emotions of anger that something or someone outside of us has been exercising over us.

“Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven! – Matthew 18:21-22 NIV

Anger should never be managed, anger should be removed. We must learn to practice forgiveness as often as necessary. By doing this we prevent anyone or anything outside of us to have control over us.