New Opportunities

It was on December 10, 1914, that a massive explosion erupted that set on fire Thomas Edison’s chemical plant. Eight fire departments rushed to the scene but the chemical-induced fire continued to burn out of control. According to Edison’s son, 24-years old Charles, Edison watched calmly as the fire burned down the plant in which he had invested all of his finances. As they both watched the fire Edison said to his son, “Go get your mother and all of her friends. They’ll never see a fire like this one again.”  Later that day, after the plant had burned to the ground Edison was quoted as saying, “Even though I’m 67-years old, I’m going to start over again tomorrow.” Thomas Edison’s losses were estimated to be close to one million dollars. But within days he secured a loan and got right back to work and a year later Edison and his team reported revenues of almost ten million dollars.

In life, the question is not if you’re going to have problems, but rather how are you going to deal with them. Most people respond to loss and failure with feelings of anger, sadness, and despair. But others see loss and failure, in spite of their feelings, as chances to create new opportunities to do things bigger and better.

“Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” –  Jesus (Juan 16:33 NLT)

After every one of your failures and losses, there will be opportunities to do things bigger and better, the key is not to let the anger, sadness, and despair paralyze you with fears. But rather use those emotions to seek new opportunities to do things bigger and better. Understanding that in Jesus we don’t have fear, because in Him we are more than conquerors.