Many Responsibilities

There would be fewer messes, no debts, and a lot less rules, regulations and laws in a world in which people acted responsibly. However, in a world in which people act irresponsibly, there are messes everywhere, debts everywhere and more laws than we can count. The problem is that we see irresponsibility everywhere except in the mirror, and those who are honest enough to admit their irresponsible actions excuse them or blame them on someone else. 

In life the greater the blessing is, the greater the responsibility is. If as a child you were given a dollhouse or a toy car, that gift came with a proportional level of responsibility. Now if as an adult you own a house or a car that level of responsibility is far greater. The problem is that the more we have the more irresponsibly we tend to behave with what we have. If you have extra time or money the tendency is to be irresponsible in the way you manage your time and the way you spend your money. The more you have the greater your tendency is to act irresponsibly.  

When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required. – Jesus (Luke 12:48 NLT)

The question is not, how much do you have? The question is, what are you doing with what you have?