
Not too long ago, people were much less aspirational than they are today but they were far more committed. Today’s generation is much more optimistic but they’re far less committed. Today’s generation wants the benefits but they don’t want the responsibilities. They want a good paying job but don’t want to work hard. Employers want hard working employees but they want to pay them as little as possible. People want to get married but they’re not committed to becoming the best spouse they can be. People want to have children but don’t want the responsibility of being full-time parents. Again, people today are highly aspirational but far less committed to what they aspire to.


Becoming a good worker has its price, becoming a good employer has its price, and becoming a good spouse or parent has its price. In any area of life where you want to become successful, the price you must pay is a long-term commitment and in many cases, a lifelong commitment. To believe something or aspire to do or become something is of little or no value if you’re not committed to what you believe in or aspire to. To believe in God is of little value if you’re not willing to be committed to God. Aspiring to achieve success in any area of life is of little or no value unless you make a commitment.


The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride. – Ecclesiastes 7: 8.


Success is birthed from commitment and every commitment will require patience; like the patience to plant a seed and actively wait for it to grow. It’s not the many things you begin that will lead you to success. It’s how many of them you’re willing to patiently see through to the end. To start a job is easy but to become a successful employee requires a commitment. To start a business is easy yet to build a successful business requires a commitment. To fall in love is easy, all you need is a pulse. To stay in love is far more difficult, staying in love requires patience and it requires commitment. Having a child is easy, becoming a good mother or father requires a lifelong commitment.


You’re not living the fullness of life until you’re willing to commit to something. When God created you he did so with the goal that you would achieve greatness. But the problem is that you can never become the person you could and should be without a commitment. In any area of life where you see a person who has achieved greatness, I’ll show you a person who was committed.  And you, what or who are you willing to make a lifelong commitment to?