Do Not Fear

The only thing more infectious than the Corona virus is fear. This past Monday I decided to do a Google search and typed the words “fear” and “Coronavirus” into my web browser. I was expecting a large number of search results but I never expected that there would be more than one billon search results. It’s clear that fear is gripping the entire world and what we already know is that the more fear rises the crazier and more irrational people become. After reading many headlines and a few articles, I began to worry, so I decided to meditate on what Jesus had to say about fear. It’s no surprise that Jesus actually believed that in our lives we would have to deal with fear. But what is surprising are his instructions on how to deal with the matter. Jesus’ whole teachings on how to deal with fear can be summed up in two simple words “don’t fear.”

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. – Matthew 10:28-29 NKJ

What’s interesting is that not all fears are necessarily bad, there is a level of healthy fear. For instance, we don’t jump out of buildings because of our fear of heights. We don’t commit crimes for fear of going to jail. Now, most fears are the result of looking towards the future and worrying about what may or may not happen. It’s the result of hyper-focusing on the unknown. But what Jesus teaches about fear is that we should not focus on the what but rather on the who. That we should not fear what may or may not happen but rather fear God who has power over everything even the ultimate fear, the fear of death. 

Some suggestions so that you don’t become infected by the fear bug:  

  • Don’t spend too much time with people who are constantly afraid of what may or may not happen, rather spend time with those who fear God.
  • Live your life fearing God and don’t worry about the unknown because very little is really unknown, we know how it ends. The only question that counts at the end of it all is, did you trust God? 
  • The things we worry so much about tend to be silly. You should not fear the what if of life you should fear the who was, who is and who will always be.