There’s a very old Italian proverb that says, “Nulla nuova, buona nuova” which translated means “no news is good news”. Why is it that we always expect bad news? Particularly when talking about people in a position of authority. We get a registered letter from the IRS, the boss unexpectedly calls us into their office, or we receive a phone call from our doctor’s office to give us the results of a medical examination and we immediately think that it’s going to be bad news. 

Most people think the same way about God and maybe you do too. That if God summoned you, your first thought would be, it must be bad news. As a pastor when I call to meet with someone in my congregation, the first question they ask is, is everything ok? Followed by, did I do something wrong?  Then they begin to examine their behavior and think that if God wants to speak to them it must be bad news. What’s interesting is that if we truly believed the Christmas story it should once and for all erase all of our fears about God. 

On the night that Jesus was born, nearby there were shepherds watching over their flocks when suddenly an angel wrapped in the glory of the Lord appeared to them, and they were terrified. These bravest of men were totally overwhelmed by fear. But the Angel spoke to them and said:

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people…” – Luke 2:10 NIV

The Christmas story is a reminder that God did not send Jesus into the world to condemn the world, and God did not send Jesus to bring good news to only the good people of the world. From the very beginning the announcement was good news of great joy for you and for EVERYONE. If this fundamental truth of the Christmas story would become a reality in our hearts and minds, we would never have to be afraid of God. Do you believe the good news? If so, you don’t have to avoid or hide from God, because this is good news for everyone.