Great Things

As our institutions assess the devastating toll of the Coronavirus the tendency is to count the number of people who’ve become infected and the number of people who’ve succumbed to the virus. Sadly, what we don’t count is the number of people whose hopes and dreams have been infected by the virus or whose hopes and dreams have succumbed to the virus. The hopes and dreams of doing something great like beginning a new business or growing an existing one. Maybe this was the year you planned to purchase a new home. Or maybe you were planning a wedding celebration with friends and loved ones only to have your hopes and dreams shattered by the virus. Now instead of hoping to do something great, you’re merely struggling to stay afloat. 

The truth is that great things don’t happen overnight, hopes and dreams take time and lots of patience. Anytime you hope to do something great you’ll first have to go through some bad times. As Moses experienced pain the people complained. Joseph was hated by his brothers. David was persecuted by King Saul. The Virgin Mary had to go through great embarrassment and shame. And Jesus was beaten and hung on a cross. But in the end they all accomplished great things, yet not without going through some really difficult times.  

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” 

– Proverbs 13:12  

Pain and injustice always precede great things but when you give up it will sicken your heart. To do great things it will take patience, perseverance and commitment. It may be getting late but don’t give up, wait a little longer. You may be getting older but don’t surrender. You may have some setbacks but keep on moving forwards. It may seem impossible but with God nothing is impossible. 

Don’t allow this virus or anyone to infect your hopes and dreams, because hope deferred sickens the heart. Rather stay ready and be watchful because the difficulties of life are great opportunities to do great things. As a matter of fact, God’s greatest work in and through us is always preceded by difficult times. So, be of good courage you’ve been positioned to do great things.