Grow: Stature

To become an excellent student will require you to pay attention and study. To build a prosperous career will require hard work. To become an exceptional athlete, you’ll need to exercise. To build an admirable family you’ll have to work on relationships. To become an exemplary Christian, you’ll have to be spiritually disciplined. And if you want to have long-term success in any area you’ll need to take care of your health.

Sadly, many people don’t take the proper care of their health and end up shortchanging themselves and their loved ones. The Bible has plenty to say to believers about taking care of their health. The Bible talks about exercise, nourishment and even checkups. And more importantly, the Bible teaches that our bodies are sacred and they’re temples of God’s Holy Spirit.

Jesus grew in wisdom, stature…. – Luke 2:52 NIV

Growing in stature will require you to:


Studies show that people who exercise live healthier, longer and happier lives. Not to mention that exercise is good for weight loss, for your muscles and bones, it reduces the risk of chronic disease and it reduces stress and increases energy levels.  Why would you not exercise? 


The long-term consequences of not eating sensibly are too numerous to list.  Some of the more serious consequences include sleeping disorders, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, hypoglycemia, and cancer. On the other hand, eating sensibly offers physical and mental benefits that last a lifetime. 


The number one reason people avoid having an annual checkup has to be fear. They’re afraid that if the doctor examines them, they will find something wrong with them. I always say that doctors cannot find what doesn’t already exist and I also say that the things you ignore never get better. Many illnesses and diseases are medically preventable and can be easily treated if caught early. An annual checkup is a wise thing to do. And the earlier in life you start to have an annual checkup the better off you’ll be.



There are many physical consequences of being spiritually deficient. Stress, anxiety, and sadness not only impact our lives emotionally, but they also have a terrible impact on our physical being. In the Book of Proverbs chapter 17 Solomon wrote, “A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Being spiritually disciplined by praying and reading God’s word will go a long way in keeping you physically healthy.