
Our lives are lived in stages and in between each one of those stages there is a transition period. A transition is that space or time between what was and what will be. Some transitions occur naturally, for example, we transition from being a baby to becoming a teenager and from being a teenager to becoming an adult. Other transitions we choose to enter into, for example, we transition from high school to college or from a single adult to a married adult. But some transitions are forced upon us, you wake up one morning and find out that you’ve been laid off from work or you get a non-favorable medical report and suddenly you’ve been forced into a transition period. Perhaps a good example of a forced transition is the one we’re all going through, the COVID-19 virus. One day we woke up to discover that what was no longer exists, and what will be has yet to arrive. 

When it comes to transitions, the bad news is that all of them are difficult because in each transition period there will be uncertainties, stress, and in some cases the transition period can be full of financial, physical, and emotional pain. The good news is that all growth, gains, and good things are also preceded by a transition period. The even better news is that your Heavenly Father wants to be a part of every one of your transitions. What we discover throughout the Bible is that God does his best work in and through us when we are transitioning. But for God to be able to do what he wants to do in you and through you, you’ll have to respond appropriately. And, the appropriate response is to seek God in your transition, to recognize that He’s in control, and to recognize that you’re not a victim of evil or bad luck. 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28 NIV

The end-result of every transition is change. You can be changed for worse or for better, you can lose or you can gain, but you’ll not remain the same. Now, the way to guarantee that every transition in your life ends in growth and gain is to love God and accept his calling and His purpose for your life. Because in ALL THINGS God works for the good of those who love Him.