Trust & See

COVID-19, otherwise known, as the Coronavirus is what everyone is talking about. It’s the topic of conversation in every home, organization and institution worldwide. Although we know more about the virus today than we did just a couple of weeks ago there are still more questions than answers. We don’t know how many people are infected, how many will become infected, how to treat it, how long it will last or how many lives it will claim. What we do know is that it’s bringing the world to a halt. Borders are being closed and communities, cities, and nations are being quarantined. The worldwide economy is collapsing and the shelves in our supermarkets are empty. And again, no one knows when or how this will end.  What we do know is that we’re not in control. 

When we’re not in control uncertainties are always present and the temptation is to allow fear to take over, and once fear takes over people begin to act irrationally. Just walk into your local grocery store and witness the irrationality. Presently the world is suffering the uncertainties of the virus but in addition, many others are suffering emotional, spiritual, financial, relational and even physical uncertainties. So, how should we deal with the anxieties that accompany the uncertainties in our lives?  The good news is that the pages of the Bible are full of the stories of men and women who lived in times of great uncertainties, actually impossibilities and we’re able to overcome even though they were not in control. One of these men was King David, who it in the midst of the difficulties of war, and many believe right after the death of his parents, wrote in Psalm 27: 

“The Lord is my light and the one who saves me. So why should I fear anyone?
The Lord protects my life. So why should I be afraid? Evil people may try to destroy my body. My enemies and those who hate me attack me, but they are overwhelmed and defeated. If an army surrounds me, I will not be afraid. If war breaks out, I will trust the Lord.  I ask only one thing from the Lord. This is what I want: Let me live in the Lord’s house all my life. Let me see the Lord’s beauty and look with my own eyes at his Temple.” – Psalms 27: 1-4 NIV 

In these four verses we learn the fundamental principle that king David used to overcome the uncertainties of life. He chose to trust God. So much so that he only had one petition, to be in God’s presence forever and to contemplate his beauty and his temple. It was also King David who wrote: “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” – Psalm 34:8 NIV. 

These are two simple steps we should always apply no matter what’s happening in our lives, first trust God and second, seek God. They will get you through any and all circumstances.