Use Your Hands

Our hands, we use them for almost everything we do. We use them to show love, for holding hands to carrying a baby. We clench them to hold on, we open them to give away and we use them to team up. We use them to build up or to tear down. The hands are representative of who we are and everything we have. On the one hand, they’re so common but on the other they’re so unique. Barring some tragedy we all have them, but no two sets of fingerprints are the same and every person has a unique combination of talents, abilities, strengths and resources in their hands.

 For in him (Jesus) all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. – 1 Corinthians 1:16 NIV

Your hands and everything that has been placed in them were created by God and for God. Imagine for a moment if you were to whole-heartedly embrace this truth, it would radically transform your life. Just imagine waking up every morning and recognizing that you, your hands and everything in them were intended to do God’s will and not you own. It would change the way you act at home, in school, at your job and even at church.

So, what would it look like to ask yourself every day, how can I use my hands to honor God? How can I use them to do His will everywhere I go and in everything I do? Let me give you a few suggestions that you can immediately start doing:

  • Volunteer your hands to work in your local church.
  • Volunteer to work in the children’s or youth departments.
  • Sign up to participate at the welcome center.
  • Join the worship team, or the sound, lights or multimedia team.
  • Help in the local mission projects or go on the next mission trip.
  • Share your faith within your family, at school, work, or wherever you go.
  • Deliver a meal to a family in need.
  • Give a hand to the poor, elderly or anyone who’s in need.

I’m sure there are many other things you can start doing, but start somewhere and start now.