What you see is What you Get.

Imagine like in the movies, having a crystal ball, a ball that you could look into and accurately predict the future with. Now imagine that based on what you saw, you were able to make adjustments in order to make the necessary decisions to avoid bad outcomes. Imagine also being able to make decisions that would lead to the good outcomes. Well imagine no more because believe it or not we all have a crystal ball.  Actually, we don’t have one but better yet, we have two and we call them the eyes.

If you want to know what your life will look like in the future, it’s simple, what are you fixing your eyes on? Because what you see is what you get. If you read or watch politics on a daily basis, then politics will shape and mold how you interact with others. If you’re looking at shopping sites on a consistent basis it will shape the way you spend your money. Furthermore, the types of movies, programs or soap operas you watch will predict many of your future behaviors. Because, what you see is what you get.

Jesus put it this way, “Your eyes are the lamp of your body.”  In other words, wherever you’re pointing your eyes, that’s the direction the rest of your body will travel.

Jesus warns that what enters through your eyes will determine your future. That if you’re not careful with what you expose your eyes to, you’ll end up with a distorted view of life. If you expose your eyes to the wrong things you’ll have a distorted perspective of life. But, if you exposed them to the right things, you’ll be able to see clearly the dangers that lurk in the dark.

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of faith.” – Hebrews 12:2